فلتدم أنت أيها الوطن (2) … بقلم: د. عبد الله علي إبراهيم




الثورة دبارة. وقد أعجبتني دبارة الأستاذ محمد خطاب كتب من الخرطوم للنيويورك تايمز يحتج على بؤس تغطيتها للأحداث في السودان. وهذا مبادرة ذكية مما تقدحه الثورة في الناس كطقس عبور عجيب. وأدناه صيغة الخطاب الذي أرسل خطاب لمحرر جريدة النيويورك تايمز في المعن. واقترح خطاب أن يرسل كل منا نسخة من هذا الخطاب لبريد الصحيفة الإلكتروني (letters@nytimes.com)، ممهورا باسمه، أو فليُرسله ممهوراً بأسماء أعضاء القائمة التي هو فيها من الموافقين
يا سلام يا خطاب! من Abdinlist

ومن أراد عبارة موجزة يصدر بها رسالة خطاب سيجد أدناه محاولة مني للغاية:

I fully support the call by Muhammad Khattab writing from the dreadful, bloody scene of events in tumultuous Sudan for your esteemed paper to give adequate coverage to a people’s revolution for democracy.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Killing of Peaceful Protestors by the Sudanese Government
From: Mohd Khattab
To: letters@nytimes.com

Re: The Killing of Peaceful Protestors by the Sudanese Government

Dear Editor of the New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger,

I’m writing to you regarding the lack of appropriate coverage of the recent popular uprising in Sudan by your newspaper. Your silence towards the brutal attacks on peaceful protestors enables the Sudanese government to continue the killing of civilians with impunity. For example, reports by activists confirmed that snipers and agents of the Sudanese security services along with the militia of the ruling National Congress Party have killed more than 30 protestors including children Shawgi Alsadig Isaag Mohamdin who was 9 years old and Mohamed Ismail who was 14 years old.

Newspapers with global influence such as yours have moral obligation to highlight human rights violations and pressure their governments to respond to the voices of the millions of oppressed people in Sudan who are looking for democracy, freedom and dignity.

Peaceful protestors in cities across Sudan have been out on the streets since December 19, 2018 demanding an end to the 29 years rule of dictator Omar Al-Bashir. The unfolding story of the peaceful Sudanese uprising is an important world event that deserves more attention from the international community and should be on the front page of your newspaper.


Mohammed Khattab
Khartoum, Sudan.


