نحو إستراتيجية قومية لصناعة المعلوماتية وفرص الاستثمار للقطاع الخاص فيها. بقلم: بروفسير محمد الرشيد قريش




Duration— A 13-Day Modular Seminar, With Eight Offerings to Select From

Location:   One of Khartoum's Seminar Halls (Ample Time Notification Later)

مقدم السمنار
بروفسير د. د. محمد  الرشيد قريش
Ph.D. in Hydrology & Water Resources, with Minor in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics) Univ. of Minnesota
Ph.D. in Transportation & Industrial Systems Engineering—Columbia University
(& M. I. T's Flight Transport Laboratory)
M. Phil. in Industrial Economics & Development Planning—Columbia Univ.
M.B.A. in Operations Research & Economics--Utah S. Univ.
B.Sc. in Ag. Engineering (Power & Machinery)-California S. Univ. (& U. of K.)
Intermediate Science (Mathematics)—Univ. of Khartoum
A Certificate in Air Transport—M.I.T
A Certificate in Science, Technology & Development --Cornel Univ.
C.E., S.M.A.I.I.E., S.M.S. M.E., M.A.S.C.E., M.A.I.A.A., M.C.I.T., M.A.S.Q.C., M.T.I.MS., A.M.A.S.A.E.
FELLOW M.I.T. Centre for Advanced Engineering Study, 1978
FELLOW (Sudan's) Engineering Society
Former Engineering Associate Professor at American & Saudi Universities

    أهداف السمنار:  لماذا ”ألأستراتيجية القومية للمعلوماتية“ الأن ؟
    Seminar Focuses On:
    The Critical Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT or IT) In Economic Development Covering Issues Such As:
    Infrastructure, Network Operation & Services:
     The Importance of Public-Private Partnerships and Effective Competition to Extending Access,
    The Role of ICT in Business
    Markets Insight & Perspectives for ICT Telecom Products & Services
    ICT Operation & Infrastructure Management Excellence

    Who Should Attend
    Private and public sector entities active in the information and communication technologies sector:
o     المركز القومي للمعلومات
o    القومية للأتصالات الهيئة
o    مراكز الدراسات الأستراتيجية
o    Investors representing the ICT industry
o    Government Officials and Regulators representing the public sector and consumers.
o    Service Providers
o    Information processing centers & Operators,
o    Firms developing software and applications,
o    Chambers of commerce and industry.
o    Investment promotion agencies.
o    Cooperation agencies.
o    National, Regional, and international Financial institutions
o    Professional associations.

    Why Attend ICT Seminar?
    ICT  Presents You An Opportunity  :
o     To stand apart from the competition
o     To Gets Information On:
    Viable Inversement  Projects, 
    On business opportunities in growth market segments,
    On business opportunities In new Niche markets
o     Meet Decision-makers in ICT and e-business

Seminar Contents
Duration--One Day:

    Module One: Telecommunications
    Telecommunications--The Core(Backbone) of the New Economy
    Telecommunications network (TelCom Network)
    Telecommunications network Structure (TelCom Network)
◊    Network Operations & Services
◊    Network Linking Devices
◊    Network Operating Systems (NOS)
◊    Network Topologies

◊    Network Linking Devices
◊    Communications Protocols
◊    Internet protocol suite
◊    The OSI Model
◊    How Small US Businesses Use the Internet?
    Wired Communications Media
◊    Twisted Pair Wire
◊    Optical Fiber --The Core of the New Economy
    Optical Fiber vs. “Fiber Optics”
    Fiber Optics
    Fiber Optic Cable
    Advantages of optical fiber systems
    Four Types of Wireless Communications
◊    The Indian Wireless Internet Access

Duration—One Day : ألأستراتيجية القوميية لصناعة المعلوماتية    

Module Two:The Need for A Coherent National IT (or Informatics) Strategy:
    Need for A Coherent National IT Strategy
    Service-Lead Growth ---S & T & Telecommunication Technology:
The Quality of “Info Environment”
    The Digital Divide :The IT Haves & Have-Nots:
    Measuring IT ‘s Diffusion & Citizens’ IT  Empowerment
    Measuring IT Diffusion & Empowerment
    The Geography of Technological Innovation —UNESCO’s Technology Achievement Index
    Some Infrastructural Indicators of IT Readiness
    Information Technology (IT)
    Current Status of IT Industry (Informatics Sector) & Other Potential Sub-sectors:
    Status of IT Industry
    Factors Characterizing the Present Situation Positively
    Impediments & Constraints to IT Development, Diffusion & Absorption
    The 2004 State of the Telecommunication Sector Performance
    The Supply-Demand Model of Economics
    Informatics Operations Technology---Turning a Vicious Circle Into a Virtuous Circle:
    Key Players Shaping Up IT Industry

Duration—One Day: The IT Industry Supply Market

Module Three: Typical ITC "Planning Pyramid" :

Information & Telecommunication Services
    Key Goals of the National Information & Telecommunication Technology (ITC ) Strategy   ("(تعرف "دور الأستراتيجية
    Key Objectives of the National ICT Strategy
( تعرف "فلسفة المؤسسةالأستراتيجية وفرضياتها")                                                                     
Info Society –A Key Objective of National ICT Strategy ("تعرف"النهايات المطلوبة)
    ICT Planners Basic Objectives
    Some Typical ICT Projects
    Improving Productivity Through ICT Adoption-- The link between innovation, ICT adoption &productivity
    Policy
    Instruments of Policy Execution
    Government Role In ITC Industry Development
    Software
    Software--Computer Operating System (OS)
    Operating System (OS) Basic functions

Industry Regulation & the R & D Sector:
    Absence of Harmonized Regulations & Policies
    Regulation In Science & Technology  الرقابة الضبطية للعلوم والتقانة
    Why Need Regulation?
    Regulatory Science
    A (US Chronological) Check List for Regulatory Activities
    Forms of Regulatory Science
    Regulation (in Engineering Education)
    Examples of  IT Transfer Policy Instruments
    Telecom Regulator Functions
    Models of Regulation
     Intergovernmental, Trade & Int’l Regulatory Unions
    The R & D Sector
    R & D Strategy —Harnessing The Intellectual Capital of The Country
    Problem Solving Paradigms:
    R & D Objectives
    Classification of R & D:

◊    Basic (Fundamental) Research
    Why Basic Research Is Necessary?
◊    Applied Research
◊    Experimental Development
    Japanese vs. Western (UK & USA) Research
    Comparative 1965-1973 R & D Statistics
    Comparative 1974-98  SCI Research Publications For IT Infrastructure &  Suppliers’ Market
    Comparative 1974-98  SCI Research Publications For IT  Demand  Market

Duration—Three Days: The IT Industry Demand Market

Module Four: Information & Telecommunication Services

نحو برنامج قومي لتطوير الصناعات الألكترونية مدخل القرن الحادي والعشرين            
    The Electronic  Industries– An Important Engine of Growth
    What Are The Electronic Industries?
◊    Distinction Between Hi-Tech, Medium Tech & Low-Tech
◊    Dumping Techno-Trash in LDCs
◊    Pushing Low Tech Industries To LDCs
◊    Searching for a Technology Niche In High Technology
    What Should Planners Give Attention to in Considering High-Tech?
    Classification of Electronic Industries
◊    Searching for a Technology Niche—Semiconductors أشباه المواصلات" "                      
◊    Industries Related to Electronics
◊    The Chip
◊    Some IC Types
◊    Passive Devices

◊    Benefits of E-commerce
◊    EBay
    How to Buy and Sell on EBay
    Tips for Using EBay-!
◊    B2B
◊    Advertising Online
◊    PayPal

Manpower Resources:
القومية لصناعة المعلوماتية الأستراتيجية لمقابلة أحتياجاتللكوادر  المطلوب التأهيل
    1995 – 1996  % Distribution of Students
    Education vs. Training
    The Need for a Dual Stream Differential Education & Training Curriculum:          
    The Concept of a Niche
    Why is the Need for Differentiation Between Design/Research Engineers (DE/RE), Engineering Technologists (ET) & Technicians (T)?
◊    The Three Knowledge (or Skills) Bases 
◊    الزوجية هي سنة الكون
    Comparative Formation & Task Analysis for the Engineering & Technology Professionals
◊    The Designers of Change: The Design/Research Engineer Character Formation
◊    Information Technology Gatekeepers
◊    Computer Programmers: (Technician/Technologist)
    Distinguishing  Between Learning, Education & Training
The Learning Process
    Differences  Between DE/RE , ET , T Explained In Terms of Certification
    Differences  Between DE/RE , ET , & T Explained In Terms of Course Duration
    Job Descriptions
◊    Technological Gatekeepers
◊    An Example of ET Job Descriptions
    Examples of Job Descriptions for System Analyst As An  Engineering Technologists (ET)
    Systems Programmers: (Technologists)
    Computer Programmers: (Technologists) Job Specs
◊    The Technician , T—Job Descriptions/Specifications
    Heuristics vs. Algorithms--A Definition
◊    Variation of Use of Algorithms (A) & Heuristics (H)
With Problem Structure
    Hierarchy of Information Functional Intelligence
    Differences Partly Explained In Terms of Epistemic Authority

    The Profession’s Three Formative & Regulatory Authorities:
    The Epistemic Authority
    Sources of Engineering Knowledge at the Epistemic Level
    The Deontic Authority
    Power of State to Regulate Professionals
    Self "Regulation"
    Differences Explained In Terms of Hierarchy of Functions
    Differences Explained In Terms of Examples of Tasks for Each from Electronics Designs
◊    Programmable (Logic ) Controller, PLC
◊    Distributed Control System (DCS)
◊    Examples of Design Assignments for Engineering Technologists (ET)
◊    لماذا التعليم الهندسي الجامعي مأزوم؟ IV
    The Dynamic Nature of Curriculum—Teaching Engineering Students to Use Microprocessors (MP)
    Microprocessors (MP) vs. Microcontroller (MC)
    An Advanced Microprocessor Course
    Selecting The Proper Microprocessor For Specific Application
    Differences Explained In Terms of Computer Science Load
    Some of The Specific Computer Competencies Expected of Engineers
    ET Information Systems Skills
    Computer Engineering Programs
    Computer Programmers (Technicians)
    CAD( Computer-Aided-Design) Technician/Specialist
    Languages
    Some Programming Languages
    Computer Scientists” (ET) Including :
    Computer (Software /Hardware) Engineers
    Computer Support Analysts
    Database Administrators
    Computer Software Engineer (as Engineering Technologist, ET)
    Computer  Hardware Engineers (as an ET)
    Computer  Systems Engineer (as an ET)
    System Analysts (as an ET)
    Computer Education & Training Needs---A Summary
    Origin of Computer Science Education & Training Demands

    How Does  “Computer Science & Engineering” Differ from
“Electrical Engineering”?
◊    Some of the Problems Facing Computer Science & Engineering Education In LDCs
◊    Course Differences
◊    Software Skills—A Point of Departure
◊    Applications: The Greatest, But Complementary Contrast
    Computer Programmers: (as ET)
    Computer Programmers: (as Technician, T)
    Key Programming Languages
◊    Object Oriented Code
◊    Some Other Programming Languages
    System Programmers: (as ET)
    Computer Education & Training Needs
◊    Training the IT Professionals
    The Generic Engineering Functions (or Tasks)
    Computer Science (CS):
◊    Computer Science Relationship with other fields
◊    Core problems in defining Computer Science
◊    Computer Science Fields
◊    Computer Scientists  (as "Designers"  & "Technologist")
◊    Origin of Computer Science Education & Training Demands
◊    Computer Science Education & Training Needs
◊    Potential Careers for Computer Science Graduates
◊    1995 Estimated Indian Relative Computer Personnel Demand
    The Largest Needed Group--Data Entry-- Require the Least Training
    Computer Engineering
    Computer Engineering Specialization Areas (( و نقد البرامج الحالية
    Distinguishing EE from Computer Engineering & Software Engineering
◊    Electrical Engineering (EE) Sub-disciplines
◊    EE vs. Computer Engineering vs. Software Engineering
◊    Typical Software Engineering Key Courses
◊    Computer Scientists vs. Software Engineers vs. System Analysts
◊    Software Engineering vs. Related Fields
◊    How Computational Science & IT Relate to Computing

◊    Microcomputing Careers
◊    Software Engineering
    Software Engineering (SE) & Software Quality
◊    Software Engineering vs. Computer Sc. vs. Traditional Engineering

    Curricular Architectonics
    Curricular Architectonics—A Total  Quality System Perspective
    The Educational Challenge
◊    The educational System Represented As An Input-Output Transformation:
    Obsolescence—An  Engineering “Fault”
    The Nature of the Knowledge Depletion Problem:
    An Engineer’s Skill Obsolescence & Life Cycle Model
    Tying Training Strategies to Engineer’s Skill Obsolescence & Life Cycle
    Comparative Survey of Systems & Degrees of Higher Technical Education

    The Critical Role of the “Manufacturing” Engineer
◊    Backward & Forward Linkages
◊    Strategic Linkages Industries for the Old Economy
    The Theory of Institution Building
    Strategic Linkages Industries for the Old Economy

Duration—Two Days :

    Module Five: Strategic Choices — Which Route To Take?
    The Role of Informatics
    Role of ICT In Development
    The Infrastructural Role of Informatics in Economic Development 
    General Classification of Information S & T Activities ---A Checklist
    The Challenges of the IT Sector--Ubiquitous Computers and Global Communication Systems
    The Many Roles of ICT
    Routes To IT Capability Development –Typical IC  Process Application

    Routes to Capability Development:

The 1st Routes to Capability Development: Using IT  for  Productivity
& Value-Added Enhancements
◊    The Role of Informatics As an infrastructure
◊    Some IT Dramatic Impacts
◊    Development As A Process of Transformation
◊    Daniel Bell's Post-Industrial Society Information Economy Model
◊    Development As A Process of Transformation
◊    Gauging Performance in Information Planning
◊    IT Implications to The Services Sector
◊    IT Use for  X-Efficiency: Productivity & Value-Added Enhancement
•    IT Use In Public Administration
•    E-Government
    E-Government Elements
•    IT Implications to Public Sector Management
    The Public Sector Info (PSI ) system matrix 
◊    The Needed IT  Business Applications
◊    Application Software
    Some Locally Demanded Engineering Software Products & Who Currently Supplies Them
•    Application vs. system software
•    Application software classification
•    Potential Application Software

The 2nd Routes to Capability Development: ITC As An Industry In its Own Right:

    The Infrastructural Role of Information & Telecommunication Technologies In Regional Development:
•    Enclave Economy
•    Regionalism & Network Typologies
•    Information & Telecommunication-Lead Growth  in a Federal State---Some caveats  & Opportunities
•    India’s Growing Talent Pool
    Software Design(تصميم البرمجيات)          
•    The Waterfall Model
•    Stages of Software Design/Life Cycle
•    Software Development
•    Some Software Development Decisions/Trade-offs

•    Software Production Options/Routes
•    Steps (Process activities) of Writing Software
•    Operating (Software) System Design Hierarchy
•    Software Engineering Economics
•    The Economics of the Software Industry
    Software Quality
•    Generic Software Quality Requirements
•    Productivity of Software Production Process:
•    Application-Specific Software Quality Requirements
•    Software Quality in Information Systems (IS)
•    Software Quality in Real-Time Systems (R-T S)
•    Software Quality in Distributed Applications
•    Software Quality in Embedded Systems
•    Software Quality -- Release development stage
•    Software Engineering (SE) & Software Quality
•    Software Engineering /Computer Programmers
•    How Do We Evaluate Software System Performance?
•    (Software )Interoperability
    Some Software Standards:
•    ISO 9000 & ISO 9001
•    The Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
•    Companies Appraised Against the CMMI
•    Some International IT Organizations
    Techniques for Software Process Improvements
•    Techniques for Process Improvements
•    How Do We Judge the Capabilities (or Maturity) of (a Firm’s) IT 
(Software Programming) Industry صناعة البرمجيات?
•    Software Development
    Reverse Engineering
◊    Software Reverse engineering
◊    Why Reverse Engineer?
    The Purposes of  Hardware & Software Reverse Engineering
    Some Related Definitions:
    Open standard
    Open-source software
    Closed Source
    Source code
    Object Code (or File)
    Compiler
◊    Reverse Engineering Example

◊    Cases in USA Law on Legality of Binary software Reverse Code Engineering ( RCE)
◊    Binary Software Techniques: Three main Methods of software Reverse engineering
◊    Legal Status of Reverse Engineering--The Notion of Fair Use
الأستعمال المشروع والعادل
◊    Comparing Electronic Products Design  with Reverse Engineering

Duration—Two Days :

    Module Six: Strategic Choices — Which Route To Take (Continued)?

    The Microelectronics (Chip) Revolutionثورة الألكترونيات الدقيقة(أو الدوائر المتكاملة)  
    Routes To IT  (Software & Hardware) Capability Development
    PC Manufacture/Assembly
    Some Related Definitions
◊    Open Architecture
◊    Bios
    Integrated Circuit (IC, Microchip, or Chip) :
◊    Some IC Types
◊    Digital signal processing (DSP)
    Routes To IT Capability Development:
◊    Silicon Foundry
◊    Barriers to Entry Into Microelectronics
    Successful Innovation & IT Capability Development
◊    Microprocessors (µPs)
    Registers
    Transistor  Density
    Classifying µPs On Basis of  Architecture
    Classifying µPs On Basis of Applications
    The Challenges In Teaching Microprocessors-- Hardware Trade-offs
    Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
    The Dynamic Nature of Curriculum—Teaching Engineering Students to Use Microprocessors
    Microcontrollers (MCU)
    Evaluating Microprocessor Architecture
    Microprocessor Generations
◊    Printed Circuit Boards (PCB, or Switchboard)
•    Wire Wrap
•    PCB Assembly & Manufacturing
•    Computer Expansion Card
•    Printed Circuit Boards Assembly

•    Printed Circuit Boards Fabrication
◊    Electronic Cards Industry               
    (Enhancement) Cards Design, /Assembly/Testing
    Smart Card (Chip Card, or Integrated Circuit card, ICC)
◊    Computer Peripherals
    List of Computer Peripherals
•    Electronic Components
•    Hard Disk (Drive)
•    Assembly  & Testing of  Semiconductor Devices
◊    Chip Manufacture: صناعة الرقائق الألكترونية  
    Chip Dependency
    Chip Dependency vs. Chip Security & Sovereignty
    Argument for Chip Manufacture:
•    Natural Resources
•    Materials & Silicon —
    Research Center Cleanroom
•    Design & Manufacture of  Semiconductor Devices
•    Electronic Products Design تصميم السلع الألكترونية                  
    How Electronic Products Are Designed?
•    Hardware Design
•    Chip Design تصميم الرقائق الألكترونية    
    Types of Chips By Function
•    DNA Microarray (a “Gene”- or “Genome-Chip”)
•    Protein Microarray
◊    Routes To IT  (Software & Hardware) Capability Development
◊    Decoupling Design From Manufacture of  Semiconductor Devices
◊    Limitations of Decoupling SC Design From Manufacture
◊    Argument Against Chip Manufacture
    Design of A Microprocessor System
    Development of Systems or Products That Use Chips
    Staged Process of Developing Microprocessor Applications: Design Engineer Task
    Single Board Computer
◊    Electronic Components
◊    نظرة إلي تجارب دول العالم الثالث في  صناعة المعلوماتية                                   
    Offshoring
    Services Offshoring
    Services Offshoring Ladder for LDCs
    Offshore Outsourcing
    Countries involved in Offshore outsourcing
    Offshore outsourcing Criteria for a job to be offshore-able
    Contrasting NIC’s 1980 System of Innovations With S. America
    Services Trade vs. Goods Trade

    The Services Trade--Opportunities For Leapfrogging
    The Interrelationship of Services, High Tech & Info Sectors
    India's Silicon valley

Duration—One Day :

    Module Seven: Networking & Communications
    Telecommunications---The Backbone of the New Economy
    Communication Technology Timeline
     The Convergence of Telecommunications, Computers and Microelectronics
    Telecommunication Networks’ Basic Infrastructure
◊    Telecommunications Networks
◊    Coaxial (Coax) Cable
◊    Telecom Backhaul
◊    Wireline Technologies
    Some Wireless Technologies
    Some Basic IT Infrastructure Elements
◊    Gateways (or “Protocol Converters”)
◊    Routing/Routers
◊    Brouters
◊    (Network) Bridges
◊    (A network ) Switch (or “Intelligent Hub”)
◊    Repeaters
    Communication Between Computers Systems—The Open Systems Interconnection
◊    The OSI (Seven Layers ) Model
    The Management & Regulation of Technological Flow
    The Shrinking of the Innovation Chain

Duration—Two Days :

    Module Eight: فرص الأستثمارللقطاع الخاص في صناعة المعلوماتية

    Why Invest In ICT?
    What Drives IT Investments In Business?
    Factors Driving Business to Make IT Investment Decisions
    Use of ICT tools in Small Business operations
    In A Nutshell, What Do Businesses Expect to Get from ICT?
    Typical Priority Investment Projects For Businesses,
◊    Call Center
◊    Call Center Technologies
◊    IT Technologies With Strong Impacts on Business Efficiency

    Summary of Investors Concern
    Electronic business
    Criteria for Assessing E-Business Readiness—Infrastructural Framework Connectivity and Cost
    The Software/Application Challenge
    Enterprise architecture
    Key Barriers to ICT Adoption By Business:
◊    Factors Contributing to Unpredictable Regulatory Frameworks
◊    Government & Regulator Task
◊    Regulator Independence
◊    Indicators Regulator’s Independence & Impartiality
◊    ITU/World Bank Recommendations for Regulator to Develop effective disputes resolution capability
◊    Road To Settlement Options
◊    Differential Market & Resource Powers Between Entrants & fixed line Incumbent
◊    The interconnectedness of "IT projects" and the "overall business process":
    Some IT Investment Projects
◊    Telecommunication Services:
◊    Why Have An Intranet ? -- Potential advantages
◊    Intranet strategies
◊    Intranets Role (Type of Applications) 
◊    Web portals
◊    Potential disadvantages of Intranets
◊    Data warehouses
◊    Data Mining (DM)
◊    Information Silo”مخازن الغلال“ المعلوماتية"  
    IT Service Management (ITSM)
    The New Enterprise Architecture
    The Business Model
◊    9 business model building blocks (Components )
◊    Examples of business models
    Information Technology Audits
◊    5 Types of Information Technology Audits
    Value Chains
    Methods of Business Process & ROI Analysis for IT
◊    An Example of Use of ROI Analysis In An IT Investment Project
◊    Reducing Cost of Web Site Development & Maintenance
    What Constitutes IT For Business?
    The Nation-State Model
◊    Other Nation/State Characteristics
    The Global Model All Things In Flux—Nothing Sacrosanct!


