رسالة الى جنرالات السودان .. أما آن لهذين الرجلين أن يترجلا؟ .. شعر د. أحمد جمعة صديق




A Message to Sudanese Generals

شعر د. أحمد جمعة صديق
Email: aahmedgumaa@yahoo.com

I am very fond of those stripes
On your chest and shoulder, with different sizes

I am fond of the stars, brightly shining
And the sword by your side proudly dangling

I am fond of the bird with golden wings
The eagles on your shoulder,
Flying like winds
And your fingers full of rings

I am fond of your chest
Full with rainbow colours
Medals with different sizes and shapes
That you hold, of silver and gold
Some new and some were old
Shinning in the sun form your military suit
In fact, general,
I am also fond of your boot
Beautifully fits in your foot.
Newly brushed and to be fair
It is always shining in the air
Making a fearful rhythm
When you tread the floor
With your mighty power

I love your entire look
Arrogant and tall in features
Smart and slim in pictures

I am fond of the way you instruct your soldiers
To carry out your orders
But I really tremble with fear
When I hear
Your voice raised too harsh
To make your soldiers begin the march
And although it is so tough and harsh,
They go straightforward, keeping the lines and march

The soldiers active and attractive when they walk
Though they are not allowed to talk
They just walk
As proud as the peacocks

I am fond of those embellishments on your shoulders
But I always ask how you got all of that stuff?
Is it only through the giving of orders?
To your soldiers?
To aim their guns and shoot at the enemy?
That is what people understand including ME!!

It is natural that all Generals give instructions
To defend their nations,
And keep borders safe from invasions

This is what I understand that you stay,
Awake during the whole night
With your gun in your hand ready to fight

With eyes open against intruders or spies
Who may tread our lands or cross the skies
Then you shoot them and bring them down
To make safer all our towns

I understand that you took an oath
To defend the Sudanese people
All Sudanese, everywhere,
In the seas or in the air
Under the sand or on the land

You took the oath
To defend the honor of the Sudanese country
By all means, by planes, by tanks,
By machine guns or by infantry

Then when you win the war and come back
Defeating the enemy and making victory
We all feel proud of you as our hero
And put your name in the book of history

Then we reward you with medals of gold and silver
Stripes on your chest and your shoulders
As well as rings in your beautiful fingers
Because you defended the people and the land
And because of victory
We hail your bravery
To be the sole hero of the county
So, it is our dowry

This is what I understand about
The Generals' work here or out there
To defend the people and the land
And toil with their blood all the sand

But I do not understand your role in Sudan
This country,
My country,
Your country,
Their country,
Our country
I do not understand your role in Sudan
For years and years, but for centuries

Although you still look like all Generals of the world
Gentle and handsome in your military suit
And full with pride from head to foot

But my questions is how did you get all of that stuff?
Including your shining boot??
And who - by the way - put all those medals on your suit?

Is that because you defeated our enemy at the borders?
Because you carried out all the orders?
To make our dreams true,
To bring back Halaib and Shlatin?
To bring our dignity in the Fashaga
Or because of killing your people in your own country
In the Military Square?
In Khartoum and other places somewhere?

And this what you had practically done
Killed our people with their own guns
Eliminated millions of souls
Hitting their heads on the walls
Or dropping some in the Nile
To be eaten by the crocodile

In the South and in the West
You destroyed the land and the people
In the North and in the East.
Millions have been displaced
In the four corners of the world.

We have BOUGHT all those MACHINES
We paid for your TRAINING in our best military college
To be equipped with skills and knowledge
To come back, to defend the people and the land
This is what you should understand

And we have sent some of you
To the best military schools abroad
To Sand Hurst in UK,
And West Point in the USA

Then we sent some of you to Russia
With our OWN money
To fly the Sukhoi and the Antonov
And skillfully use the Kalashnikov
And steer warships in the seas
To disperse all our enemies

Your training was well done
Getting the best education
But you have achieved (none)
To defend the nation

So instead of killing the enemy
You killed your own people, in cold blood
Shooting them like dogs in the streets of Khartoum
Where your tanks used to roam,
Day and night
Devastating the city,
With great atrocity

And then you proudly come to tell us the story
And speak about victory
Celebrating the Sudanese soldiers' bravery!
Bestowing them with medals of silver and gold
Because they were brave and bold!!

You are always proud
That you fought bravely all over the world
And all around

You always keep saying that:
'We fought the German in the Desert and won'
But I say that was not our war! !
'We fought in Mexico and won'
But I that was not our war
'We defeated the Italian in Karan'
But that was not our war
'We fought in Kuwait'
But that was not our war
'We had been to the Congo some years ago'
But all were not our wars
'We had been to Jordan'
But that was not our war
We had been to Lebanon'
But that was not our war
'We fought for the Aqsa Mosque'
Yes, the work was well done
But thankfulness was none
'We fought with the Egyptian in Saini'
But they forget our work or deny
And shamefully, our land they still occupy
'Now we are fighting the Shia'a in the Yemen'
But I say that is not our war
All you did was not our war
It was a waste of our men
All was not our war
It was loss of dignity and much more
You fought in the South and killed our men
You fought in Darfur, our wound are still fresh
You killed Sudanese all over the country
You did make no victory
Along all your fighting history

You General have lost your men
And we have lost our pride
Our honour and dignity,
We lost identity and unity

We have lost once and twice
We have lost thrice
For no good price
For no good reason
All was done was all a TREASON

Do you know who you killed yesterday?
That was Doctor Babkir,
A young lad with a degree from (U of K) Medical School
And a master's degree from Liverpool
Then a Ph.D. from Cambridge,
Where he gained the best of knowledge
Exerted efforts in medicine all his age,
He did well and got his degree,
And came back to Sudan to live happy and free

He was back to Sudan with great wealth
To take care of our people's health
But you got him terminated
When he raised his voice for freedom
A sniper shot him down to death
And stopped his breath
With a five-pound bullet at his head
He brought him dead

With a shot between the eyes
Who cares for his mother's cries?
Who cares for his sister's cries?

But we all do, General
We all do to get his revenge
We will be fair and never forget
We care and we will get to avenge

So general, it is high time to step down
From the back of my town
Spare your machines for the enemy
Not for your people in the Sudan
Just step down

Take away your guns and leave
It is time to get some rest and some relief

We had spared every penny
And paid our own money
To equip you with the best machines
To defend the people and the land
And toiling the sand

We made you get the best education
To defend the nation

But General!!
You have broken the oath
As nothing has been done
Nothing you had done
Nothing was done
Nothing and NONE

